What a chocolate party!
Don't miss out on the highlights of North America's national selection.

So many talented chefs joined this chocolate battle that the competition didn't fit in a single day! Two groups of contestants had to level up through assignments to score as high as they could and take home the ultimate prize.

The jury members were busy tasting and evaluating how each creation measured up to the standards and specifications of all challenges, and how each of the chefs decided to represent the "Play!" theme. Crazy designs and one-of-a-kind pairings wowed the jury while this National Selection seemed to get more exciting by the hour!

We can't be sure about what the future of North America's World Finalist will look like, but there's one thing that's certain: all chefs blew our minds with the creations in the run to become the next World Finalist.

But, don't get rid of your aprons just yet! If you're a fan of World Chocolate Masters, stay tuned for the upcoming National Selections. Are you ready for more?

Saturday, 18 May, 2024