Would you happily share your microbiological data in turn for an ice cream cone that’s out-of-this-world delicious? As we know, not every person responds similarly to the same food or diet. Turns out that the relationship between our unique genetic makeup, general health and lifestyle greatly impacts the way we enjoy food. And an increasing number of nutritional researches say personalised meals might very well be the next step in gastronomy.

Research has found that an individual’s specific clinical parameters, dietary history, physical activity and most interestingly: gut microbes, decide how our blood sugar levels respond to a sweet treat like chocolate. Whereas traditional thinking would say a chocolate chip cookie is more likely to raise your blood sugar than sushi, it’s just not the case for some people.

This idea of personalised food tailored to someone’s preferences isn’t as new as we think it is. In the 1980s, sensory scientist Howard Moskowitz pioneered the idea that there’s no such thing as the ideal pasta sauce for everyone. Not long after, he earned millions by persuading Campbell’s to launch a super chunky pasta sauce for American who love bits of tomato in their sauce.

Back to today, companies like Vita Mojo – a small London chain – offer ultra-personalised healthy meals to busy workers in London. These meals are designed to make customers feel like they are assembling their lunch with the greatest freedom. At the push of a button, you pick exactly your ideal combo of macros, calories for the meal that is right for you, every time.

Friday, 18 October, 2019