Polish National Selection

These were the second assignments of Poland's National Selection

The battle is on! The chefs looking to become the next Polish World Finalist completed the second level of this National Selection with SHARE THE FUN creations that were over the top!

The task was simple yet complex. They had to create a playful but above all delicious chocolate delight to be shared among six people as an after-dinner dessert. Take a look at their creations and let us know on our social media: which was the one you thought looked the yummiest?

Fire Flower

by Karol Płachta


A dessert that’s a game to discover its flavours: yuzu, pistachio, tangerine, orange liqueur and a rich selection of white, milk, and dark Callebaut and Cacao Barry chocolates.

Lotus Cocoa Flower

by Jakub Janiuk

Nature-inspired, this dessert combines futuristic shapes and structures with ingredients like black currant, bergamot, and 3 Cacao Barry chocolates: Madirofolo, Lactée Supérieure & Extra Bitter Guayaquil.

Happy Box

by Anna Siwiec-Kaczmarczyk


A DIY kind of experience, with the natural sweetness of coconut and banana, the tanginess of calamansi, and the intensity of Cacao Barry INAYA chocolate.

Love me… Love me not…

by Łukasz Roguski


The different textures chosen by the chef walk hand-in-hand with the delicate, floral and refreshing citrus flavour. Complementing it all? Callebaut GOLD with a touch of salt.

Wednesday, 21 February, 2024