Hana Moulded Praline

Recipe components
Crunchy Sesame Praline
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Mix together praliné, sesame paste and caramelised sesames. | Ingredients
Yuzu Kochi Pâte de Fruits
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Mix together Fruit'Purée Yuzu Capfruit, Fruit'Purée Pear Williams Capfruit and a bit of sugar at 40°C. | Ingredients
Yuzu Kochi Truffle
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Melt chocolate at 45°C. | Ingredients
Textured Soy
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Mix together glucose and starch. | Ingredients
Finishing and assembly:
Preparation | Ingredients |
Preparation Spray moulds with coloured chocolate and create shells with Cacao Barry® milk chocolate couverture Alunga™ 41% cocoa. | Ingredients |